Monday, April 25, 2011

Final Projects, Crowdsourcing, Part 2:

Cloudsourcing Edited


Cloudsourcing is an online collaboration of people from all over the world submitting photographs they take of clouds that hold an uncanny resemblance to any-crazy-thing we recognize in this zoo of a world!

A person who visits the site has the option of either touring the zoo or participating in the project by submitting photographs and adding to the zoo exhibits.  Taking a tour occurs by clicking on the "Enter The Zoo" icon, transforming the page into a colorful, illustrated, two-dimensional map of the zoo sky’s endless exhibits.  Select an exhibit and experience a variety of themed cloud photographs methodically placed within a soothing composition.  Click on an inspiring cloud to view it enlarged and then traced to better identify the uncanny resemblance the cloud holds.  One will also discover the cloud's original geographical location, highlighting different areas of the world where people have participated as well as observing different clouds and their unique environmental formations. 

In choosing to contribute, the participant will upload their chosen photograph to Cloudsourcing.  The site will ask for relevant personal information to correspond with the uploaded image.  In addition, Cloudsourcing will require a description of the cloud(s) along with an outline of the image made possible with tools found within the registering process.  Once all items have been received, Cloudsourcing administration will input the data and place the photograph in its new exhibit.  Upon completion, the participant will be notified with details of their cloud’s chosen exhibit.

Additional features of interest will appear on the Cloudsourcing home page including top rated “clouds”, the most fascinating geographical locations and the group project of building a cloud castle.  Beyond the collaborative creation, Cloudsourcing participants will have the option of making charitable environmental donations.

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