Bringing spiritual art out into the community...
The images created from the first half of the semester have a strong social power, both in their creation and in their relationship to all people. From the beginning, I could easily imagine this artwork on yoga mats. Those who practice yoga and have a knowing of the chakras, tend to favor a certain chakra. And as people change, so do their ideals and the areas they work on, both on the mat and off. Initially, I was planning on creating a website, which a may still do, but the champion yoga mat company, Manduka, has in the past worked directly with artists. My first step will be to put together a package to present my art to this company:
- take photographs, digitally enhance
- get a public response (through exhibition at the yoga studio)
- write up a clear, concise statement
- create a website?
Wheatpaste recipe:
4 tbsp flour
1/2 c cold water
1 c hot water
1 tbsp sugar
1 brush
Mix flour and cold water together then add mixture to hot water on stove, turn on stove and stir until boiling, turn heat off, cool mixture and add sugar to enhance consistency. Apply wheatpaste to surface, apply image and then apply wheatpaste in top of image.
I will also use pepakura to build a scultpure emulating one of the yoga poses used in the chakra art project to also place out in the community. The strongest of the poses could be a heart opening posture that shows the clear intention of exposing the chest towards the sky. I visualize applying the wheatpaste graffiti and then placing this sculpture in the same place...perhaps wingfield.
Something about the art...why make it public?
The deep, inward journey of yoga occurs through many layers and over time. Sometimes the intention is known, but it can never be expected. The ability to quiet one’s own mind and focus on the greater good is empowering. However, the silent takeover and miraculous phenomenon that occurs when the body becomes connected with the mind is truly a spiritual awakening. As we discover our true essence, we become increasingly aware of ourselves and our journeys. We become accountable for the energy we place into the world and are mindful as our energy knowingly branches forth. Believing in ourselves and our worth opens the doors to the abundant powers of our chakras. For it does not just change who we are, but it enhances the world around us. Through yoga, the chakras can be exercised, revealed and elucidated. The chakra art project is a memory of an intention to spread all that is positive into the now. The path is as real as the art is raw. Explore, own who you are and recognize your light.
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